Phase2 Pandemic Predictions - 22 January 2022


a.)      The current release phase of predictions typically a holistic prospection of the impact, broken down Northern Hemispheres continentally which is an improvising call to the very fundamental exercise (name Phase1) done earlier. i.e., bifurcation of Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

b.)      This release will also demonstrate the geographical location wise slow down / impact negligibility of disruption which actually exploded in second week of December 2021.

Predictive Content:

1.)      Following Cities in US, Russia and Canada mentioned in the spreadsheet will see a significant fall in the count and will take relief by February 08 2022 maximum. Details are shared in the following excel.

Note: INDIA is far away from the relief period and thus for India, there is no require to look at the sheet. 😊

2.)      Similarly, following Countries / Geographical regions will be relieved or experience low rate after the end of March nearly.

      'Samoa', 'Tonga', 'American Samoa', 'Cook Islands', 'Niue',

       'Wallis And Futuna'.


3.)      Following list of Countries will see the low infectious rate after the end of April nearly.


      'Nigeria', 'Turkey', 'Congo (Kinshasa)', 'France', 'Angola',

       'Egypt', 'Spain', 'South Africa', 'Germany', 'Algeria', 'Italy',

       'Cameroon', 'Belarus', 'Austria', 'Romania', 'Congo (Brazzaville)',

       'Poland', 'Belgium', 'Hungary', 'Zambia', 'Netherlands', 'Serbia',

       'Bulgaria', 'Czechia', 'Libya', 'Chad', 'Tunisia', 'Niger',

       'Sweden', 'Central African Republic', 'Togo', 'Gabon', 'Croatia',

       'Benin', 'Norway', 'Greece', 'Burundi', 'Finland', 'Macedonia',

       'Moldova', 'Latvia', 'Denmark', 'Lithuania', 'Estonia', 'Slovakia',

       'Albania', 'Lesotho', 'Namibia', 'Slovenia',

       'Bosnia And Herzegovina', 'Botswana', 'Kosovo',

       'Equatorial Guinea', 'Montenegro', 'Switzerland', 'Luxembourg',

       'Sao Tome And Principe', 'Monaco', 'Liechtenstein', 'Andorra',

       'Malta', 'San Marino', 'Vatican City', 'Svalbard', 'Ukraine',

       'Zimbabwe', 'Russia', 'Sudan', 'Rwanda', 'United Kingdom',

       'South Sudan', 'Tanzania', 'Ghana', 'Uganda', 'Burkina Faso',



4.)      Resembling above 3 steps, following countries will get the relief by end of May.


      'Egypt', 'Russia', 'Iran', 'Sudan', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Tanzania',

       'Iraq', 'Kenya', 'Turkey', 'Jordan', 'Ethiopia', 'Kuwait',

       'Ukraine', 'Yemen', 'Madagascar', 'United Arab Emirates',

       'Azerbaijan', 'Zimbabwe', 'Somalia', 'Syria', 'Malawi', 'Uganda',

       'Oman', 'Qatar', 'Mozambique', 'Rwanda', 'Georgia', 'Armenia',

       'Turkmenistan', 'Eritrea', 'Israel', 'Djibouti', 'Lebanon',

       'South Sudan', 'Cyprus', 'Reunion', 'Bahrain', 'Mauritius',

       'Comoros', 'Swaziland', 'Mayotte', 'Seychelles', 'Gaza Strip',

       'West Bank', 'South Africa', 'Belarus', 'Kazakhstan', 'Zambia',

       'Uzbekistan', 'Congo (Kinshasa)', 'Burundi', 'Finland', 'Norway'




5.)      By the beginning of June 21 / Summer Solstice, India’s turn will arrive to get the relief.


      'India', 'Pakistan', 'Afghanistan', 'China', 'Uzbekistan',

       'Kazakhstan', 'Russia', 'Bangladesh', 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Nepal',

       'Tajikistan', 'Sri Lanka', 'Maldives', 'Bhutan', 'Iran',

       'Turkmenistan', 'Mongolia', 'Mauritius'


Note: The foundation for this prediction is Indian Astronomical Science with combination of Technology and basics of Modern Scientific repositories are leveraged. All the predictions are 80 percent True up to possibility.



Karthik & Krishna

(Guts to fail is actual growth in reaching Goal by keep learning from mistakes)